
The Citywide Council for District 75 (CCD75)
Representing Students and Families of District 75
All Students with Special Needs and/or an IEP

The Purpose of the Committee on Student Transition functions to integrate advocacy and supportive roles for parents, teachers, and students transitioning from the NYC Department of Education to vocational settings in the workforce. The committee is equally involved with supporting teachers, families, and students transition from NYC schools to their selection of full-time day programs. Concurrent with other New York State and city agencies as well as federal programs, the committee actively engages and endeavors to enlist business leaders and decision maker’s opportunities for vocational training placement with an eventual goal of employing District 75 graduates.

Chair- Kristie Montalvan

Co-Chair- Patricia Jewett
Turning 5 - Kindergarten
Elementary Transitions

High School Transitions
All the necessary paperwork for Guardianship: The waiver document is only used if either parent or siblings are not going to be a guardian or standby. You are allowed up to three standby's and they do not have to be present when you speak to the judge, only the guardians and student need to be present. The new psychological and psycho/social need to be submitted when applying for guardianship. The Affidavit should be written by the psychologist who did the testing. The physician or neurologist can fill out the Affirmation but should refer to the Affidavit that the psychologist wrote.
The Request for information needs to have guardians addresses listed for 28 years with no gap in between
Extension of Services
Transition Support Consultancy Services for Students 21+
Students with IEPs who need to be connected with adult/postsecondary services or instruction
but have otherwise completed school will be offered transition support consultancy services.
Transition support consultancy services are individualized services to meet the needs of the
student, depending on their post-school goals. This includes:
• Assisting with eligibility for adult services through Office for People With Developmental
Disabilities (OPWDD)
• Intakes at adult service agencies
• Intakes at Adult Career and Continuing Educational Services- Vocational Rehabilitation
(ACCES-VR) and/or other vocational programs
• College applications and supporting documents
• Any other connections or referrals that need to be made in order to ensure that the
student will be engaged in the appropriate adult programs and services
Transition support consultancy services will end once post-school programs and services are
secured or the parent decides that they are no longer necessary because they are securing the
appropriate adult program or services for the young adult on their own.
Every effort should be made to continue to support a student’s linkage to an appropriate
postsecondary program and/or services, per established transition goals, including for students
who have been offered extension of instruction services. Review information to determine where
students are in the process of determining OPWDD eligibility.
Establishing OPWDD eligibility is a critical first step toward accessing adult services for many
Steps in the process are listed in the chart below, along with whether the student should be
invited back for extension of instruction services or offered transition support consultancy
Protect Your Child's Rights to COVID-19-Related Compensatory Education
Protect Your Child's Rights to COVID-19-Related Compensatory Education. Get the facts on:
What is Compensatory Education? / ¿Qué es educación compensatoria?
Who is eligible? / ¿Quién es/puede serele gible para recibir educación compensatoria?
How to ask for compensatory education / ¿Como pido educación compensatoria?
Select the language this document is available in below or, click the download button to download the entire package.
Transition & College Access Centers (TCAC)
The Transition and College Access Centers (TCACs) are devoted to ensuring that students with disabilities are prepared for postsecondary life experiences. TCACs support schools and families by facilitating a seamless transition for students from school to adult life in preparation to be productive members of society. In addition to college readiness resources and supports, these centers will also facilitate diverse work-based learning opportunities for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
Transition means preparing students for adult life. Whether it's preparing to attend college, enter the workforce, or live independently for the first time, TCACs exist to help students with IEPs achieve their goals, and support families and school staff in planning for their students' life after high school.
Work-based Learning programs provide opportunities for students to gain real-life work experience through internships and employment.
Training Opportunities Program (TOP) - students participate in internships.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) - Youth between the ages of 14 and 21 participate in paid employment for up to six weeks in July and August.
For more information please contact:
Manhattan 212-609-8491
Brooklyn 718-804-6790
Bronx 718-581-2250
Queens 718-557-2782
Staten Island 718-420-5723

NYC Connects
NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability.
Career Services for Persons with Disabilities