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Mission: to disseminate and publicize council information and other relevant issues to the community through flyers, newsletters, the council’s webpage, social media accounts, local newspapers, and presentations during council meetings. The Outreach Committee helps establish partnerships and reach for the council, develops the Annual End of the Year Celebration and The Annual Service Award Celebration


Committee on Outreach

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Christi Angel
Outreach Committee Chair


If you would like to be a part of the outreach committee please email (please cc:

Subscribe & Follow us on Youtube where you can stay up to date with meetings, workshops and additional resources. 

Annual Outreach Report SY 2021-2022
CCD75 Newsletters

The Outreach Committee will continue to support families experiencing adverse events and struggles within the school system by providing advocacy and information on multiple platforms and levels. Our committee is committed to equity and is dedicated to supporting families in acquiring knowledge in their journeys. Please read the committee's Annual Report below. 

Committee Reports
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 The CCD75 Committee on Outreach continues the important mission of seeing, hearing, and connecting families to valuable resources, workshops, and information.


  • This year the Outreach Committee succeeded in hosting our inaugural “CCD75 Special Education Parent Empowerment Conference.

  • Created inaugural end-of-the-year “CCD75 Fun Day” in partnership with NYC Parks & Recreation at Bloomberg Playground- “The universally accessible playground was inspired by the spectrum of human ability and the idea that mobility and perception of all kinds are extendable by use of visual, auditory and mechanical devices.”

  • New Council domain established “”

  • New landing & event pages were created for additional reach & increase in traffic flow to the council website

  • Backup creation of a secondary FB social media page for parent engagement

  • Management of social media pages- Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube- the creation of events and parent engagement/advocacy online.

  • A new council YouTube page establishedQuick Link Resources were created for council committees such as Outreach, Inclusion, Safety, Busing, and Transition (ease of access is a priority)

  • Increase in the newsletter, online following, and email listserv distribution

  • Legacy established with the council by the creation of email addresses and templates for committees that can be passed forward to support future incoming council members' advocacy.

  • Resource pamphlets creation- ‘CCD75: Who We Are”, “What is District 75?”, ‘Transition Services”- distributed at the CCD75 events and online.

  • File Share portal created on council page for members only and separately for attendees of CCD75 meetings to utilize in transparency and efficiency collectively

  • Creation of Distribution list for Annual Report



Office for People with Development Disabilities 

As a family member, you can get help to support your loved one in the family home with the assistance of respite and other family support services. If you are a person with developmental disabilities who wants to live independently in your community, you can find employment training and support, volunteer opportunities and other types of community engagement.


Parent to Parent: Resource

Parent to Parent of New York State builds a supportive network of families to reduce isolation and empower those who care for people with developmental disabilities or special healthcare needs to navigate and influence service systems and make informed decisions.

District 75 


Contact the council

Outreach Archives 

+ additonal resources

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Komite sou Nòt Sensibilisation :
CCD75 Rapò Komite Sensibilisation-
Jiyè jiska septanm 2019:  LA
Rapò Komite Sensibilisation CCD75- Septanm rive Desanm 2019:   LA
CCD75 Rapò Komite Sensibilisation-
Janvye jiska mas 2020: ISIT
outreach letter.png
Office of Special Education OSE Fact She
 Yon Kontinyasyon  nan  Lyen pou ede Zanmi nou yo ak Fanmi Distri a  75 pandan dire epidemi COVID-19 la:

Kwizin soup ak gadmanje manje pa Borough: 


Manhattan Food Pantries.

Rezidan nan Manhattan ka ale nan bank manje ak gadmanje pou asistans. Plizyè douzèn lokal atravè rejyon an bay fanmi ki fèb ak nenpòt moun ki bezwen èd ak pwovizyon gratis, bwat manje ijans, ak lòt sipò. Soup kizin alantou Manhattan ka sèvi moun yon repa cho, manje midi oswa manje maten.

Anpil nan kwizin soup yo ak gadmanje yo sitiye nan legliz ak òganizasyon charitab. Yo ouvri èdtan limite epi pandan y ap eseye pa vire nenpòt moun ki satisfè kalifikasyon yo, asistans yo ofri konsantre sou moun ki nan zòn jeneral la. Se konsa, w ap bezwen viv toupre gadmanje oswa kwizin soup nan Manhattan yo nan lòd yo jwenn èd nan men li.

Kèk nan sa yo ka ofri nan sant sa yo gen ladan bwat manje gratis, makèt, atik ki ka gate, machandiz gouvènman an, ak fòmil tibebe. Kote yo pral souvan gen volontè oswa travayè sosyal sou plas ki ka ede moun aplike pou koupon pou manje oswa refere kliyan yo nan lòt pwogram asistans gouvènman an nan New York. Pa egzanp, aprann sou koupon pou manje, WIC, oswa ki kote pou w ale pou manje fèt. Rele pou èdtan ak kalifikasyon nan yon sant ki pa pou pwofi tou pre ou. LA



Paran ak pwofesè edikasyon espesyal souvan gen difikilte pou jwenn nouvo taktik pou pwovoke yon lanmou pou aprann nan timoun ki gen andikap pou aprann. Teknoloji avanse rapid fè Entènèt la youn nan pi bon resous pou dekouvri aktivite amizan ki anseye epi ki eksite timoun yo. Sit entènèt edikatif ede timoun ki gen andikap aprann metrize konpetans debaz nan lekti ak matematik oswa konsèp avanse tankou kalkil. Pou ede ak pwosesis sa a, sa ki annapre yo se 12 sit entènèt pou timoun ki gen  Andikap Aprantisaj , tankou disleksi, disgrafi, ADHD, ak defisi motè vizyèl. LA


Yon resous ekselan pou paran ki gen timoun ki sou Spectrum Otis la. Paran ki gen timoun ki gen bezwen espesyal yo konnen ke li enpòtan pou yo rete nan kou aprantisaj la. Te fonde pa yon ekip ki gen edikasyon ak bezwen espesyal orijin an kolaborasyon ak ekspè. Enskri pou 30 jou aksè gratis kote ou ka mete leson epi revize ak aprann nan pwogrè yo. LA


Pwofite pi bon nan fèmti lekòl COVID-19: ISIT


Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk: The Morning Bell: HERE


Gid familyal yo prevwa pou aprantisaj elwaye disponib kounye a sou sitwèb nou an. Tanpri vizite:  


Tanpri gade nan sit sa a pou repons a kesyon ak demann pou klarifikasyon.  Kòm nouvo enfòmasyon ap vin disponib, nou pral afiche nouvo kontni nan lokal sa a.  Nou kontinye travay tou sou kesyon gwoup la pataje epi nou pral pataje repons adisyonèl osito ke yo pibliye yo. 


Enstriksyon Espesyalize ak Sipò Elèv. Tanpri vizite:


Mizajou kowonaviris:


Mizajou sou sit wèb DOE sou coronavirus:


DOE Facebook:


DOE Twitter :


Vil Nouyòk ap pran tout desizyon atravè lantiy pou asire bezwen fondamantal moun yo ka kontinye satisfè pandan epidemi COVID-19 la. Nouyòkè ki andikape yo se nan tèt nou nan tèt nou pandan n ap evalye pwochen etap yo, epi li enpòtan anpil pou nou prezève sèvis ak swen kominote sa a bezwen pou viv yon vi endepandan.

Si w gen nenpòt kesyon oswa enkyetid, pa ezite kontakte Biwo Majistra pou Moun Andikape yo nan fason sa yo:


Aprantisaj ak Devlopman bonè: (gade anba a)


Depatman Edikasyon ak Swen Bonè/WGHB:  Resous pou Bonè  Tan aprantisaj-jwe:



Department of Early Education and Care/WGHB: Konstriksyon sèvo an pwosesis  Resous pou Bonè  Aprantisaj- Tan pou pretann


Ekstansyon Penn State: Nouri  Aprantisaj- jwe ak mizik


Vanderbilt  Inivèsite: Jwe ak pitit ou a: 


Vanderbilt  Inivèsite: Estrateji pwofesè  - Mande yon vire


Kolèj Vanderbilt Peabody: Resous pou moun k ap bay swen:

resous-pou-moun ki bay swen

DYCD te kreye yon Anyè Resous Virtuel pou sipòte fanmi ak kominote

òganizasyon nan kenbe jèn yo konplètman angaje jiska fen sezon ete a.  Resous la

Anyè gen enfòmasyon sou Art ak Kilti, Kominikasyon, Design, Edikasyon ak Aprantisaj,

Mize, Matematik, Syans, ak anpil lòt opòtinite pou jèn moun.

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Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk la pibliye nouvo detay sou plan enprevi pou manje ak gadri nan mitan kowonaviris lekòl fèmen: ISIT

FAQ: Sa ou ta dwe konnen sou plan vil Nouyòk pou fèmen lekòl yo: ISIT


 Lis Founisè Sèvis ak Ajans nan tout vil la ISIT
 Fèy Konsèy Reyinyon IEP. Anvan Reyinyon an. Sèvis Legal Bronx NYC. Angle isit la
Fèy Konsèy Reyinyon IEP. Anvan Reyinyon an. Sèvis Legal Bronx NYC. Panyòl LA
Sèvis Legal NYC. Èske w bezwen èd nan lang angle ak panyòl? LA
Dwa Ou Lè Yon Lekòl Rele 911 sou Pitit Ou. angle  LA
Dwa Ou Lè Yon Lekòl Rele 911 sou Pitit Ou. Panyòl LA
Biwo Edikasyon Espesyal (OSE) Edikasyon Patenarya Kesyon ak R ISIT
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