
The Citywide Council for District 75 (CCD75)
Representing Students and Families of District 75
All Students with Special Needs and/or an IEP
Student, Parent & Community Resources

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Free Programs
New York City offers children and teens a wide range of after-school and summer activities--from paid museum internships to free science research programs. The free and low cost programs listed here are a great way to explore new interests, get extra support, and supplement what is being taught during the school day. The list is not exhaustive and we welcome new listings.
Contact DOE
Contacting the Department of Education is like calling any huge bureaucracy: You have to follow a lot of prompts before getting to a real person. Once you do reach someone, we’ve found that the operators are knowledgeable and helpful. Our advice: pleasant persistence. Keep trying and you will eventually get the information you need. We've compiled a list of telephone numbers and emails that may be useful.
Main switchboard
The Department of Education website is schools.nyc.gov. The main switchboard number is (718) 935-2200. Open Monday–Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.
For general information about your school zone, enrollment, pre-kindergarten registration and gifted and talented programs that you can’t find on the DOE’s website, call 311 and say “schools”, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The operators are unfailingly polite and try their best to answer your questions.
Routine enrollment issues should be resolved at one of the city’s 14 Family Welcome Centers. It’s difficult to find the phone number for a particular center but calling the Parent Support Line should get your through to one of them. If you have a problem that the Family Welcome Center can’t solve, try these people:
Chief Enrollment Officer: Sarah Kleinhandler SKleinh@schools.nyc.gov
Deputy Chief Enrollment Officer: Gabrielle Ramos-Solomon GRamos20@schools.nyc.gov
Senior Director, 3k and Pre-k Admissions: Juliet Kaye JKaye2@schools.nyc.gov
Senior director, Kindergarten and Gifted & Talented Admissions: Daniel Hildreth DHildreth@schools.nyc.gov
Senior Director, Middle School Admissions: Jai Griem
Senior Director, High School Admissions: Kristen O'Neil KOneil8@schools.nyc.gov
You can also email the DOE enrollment office directly. They answer emails within a day or two:
Elementary school: ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov
Middle school: MSEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov
High school: HSEnrollment@schools.nyc.gOV
Staten Island
Special Education Resources

INCLUDEnyc believes every young person should be fully included in school, in the workforce, in the community — and should have access to services and supports to succeed. INCLUDEnyc is the leading source of free training and information for young people ages 0-26 with known or suspected disabilities, their parents, and the professionals who support them.

Parts 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education:
Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relates to special education programs and services for students with disabilities.
Commissioner's Regulations Part 200: Students with Disabilities
Section 200.13 Educational programs for students with autism.(link is external)
Section 200.14 Day treatment programs certified by the Office of Mental Health.(link is external)
Section 200.16 Educational programs for preschool students with disabilities.(link is external)
Section 200.22 Program standards for behavioral interventions.

The Birth Injury Justice Center is dedicated to supporting children and their families who have been affected by disabilities caused at birth. Our organization strives to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance they need to help improve their overall quality of

Financial Guides & Resources
Provided by MoneyGeek

Adapting a Home for Disability Accessibility - https://www.moneygeek.com/mortgage/resources/home-modification-for-disability/
Financial Independence for Individuals with IDD - https://www.moneygeek.com/credit-cards/resources/navigating-credit-and-debt-with-idd/
Driving With a Neurological Disability - https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/resources/driving-with-a-neurological-disability/
More about our experts featured on these guides:
Susan Luxenberg (Founder & President of HomeSmart LLC)
Jamie Gold (Wellness Design Consultant and Author)
Elizabeth Kennedy (Founder of Age Fearless Academy, Home Health Physical Therapist & Certified Aging in Place Specialist)
Maura Horton (Chief Community Officer, JUNIPERunltd)
Sheryl Larson (Research Manager at the University of Minnesota)
Dave Kearon (Director of Adult Services at Autism Speaks)
Vijay Vasudevan (Associate Data Scientist at Autism Speaks)
Matt Abisamra (Driving Program Supervisor, Assistive Technology Department at Shepherd Center)
Andrew Arboe (Director of Community Outreach at Planning Across The Spectrum)
Center for Parent Information and Resources: Here
Helping Hands for the Disable of NY: Here
United Cerebral Palsy: Here
Special Education Policy.com: Here
INCLUDEnyc : Here
AHRC New York City: Here
National Council on Disabilities: Here
VSA: The City-wide Organization on Arts and Disabilities New York City: Here
The Arise Coalition: Here
Lunch 4 Learning: Click the Icon
eSSENTIAL Accessibility Inc.
Click the Icon
About the NYC Department of Education ASD Nest Programs: Here
NYC Public Schools with the ASD Nest Program: Here
A Guide to the Individualize Education Program (IEP): Here
Making A Referral (NYC DOE): Here
HeartShare: Here
Epilepsy Foundation: Here
Lighthouse Guild: Here
Brain Injury Association of New York State: Here
Easterseals New York: Here
NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
NYS OPWDD Eligibility Submittal Information Here
ADAPT Community Network Locations: Here
ReelAbilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival: Here
Education Council Consortium: Here
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